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This page is dedicated to 

Mark Lee 

Mark, our beloved brother, has gone home to be with our Heavenly Father in his sleep at 1:00 pm, Nov 11, 1999.  He has gone in peace.  Please remember his mom, Pam, and his sister, Lisa, in your prayer. The memorial service was held on Saturaday (Nov 13, 1999) at 1:00 pm at Lima Funeral Home. 

Please read Mark's testimony, which was written in Chinese and translated into English.  I have pulled up some pictures that I found.  They were taken around 93~94 with brothers and sisters in Agape Fellowship.  Let us remember Mark in the moments we shared. 

In Him, 

Henry (Nov. 1999) 



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Radiance of Glory from Heaven

A Personal Testimony by Mark Lee

Mark Lee, a college student, struggled with cancer ever since he was 15.  The doctors gave up on him after his last year’s surgery.  Nevertheless, Mark overcame the fear of death with the help from his God, who is the Lord of life and resurrection…

Over the past seven years, I have been through three major operations.  All my efforts in finding a cure were in vain.  After the failed operation last year, I was stricken with despair and frustration.  The church initiated a forty-day fast-and-prayer chain for me.  A prayer team would come to my house to pray for me every Tuesday.  I know that many people remembered me in prayer and supplication; and I believe that all these prayers have been heard. 

The illumination of truth came into my life when I was meditating on God several weeks ago.  I used to think that Father God is very strict: whenever I cannot please him, he would bring hardship into my life.  I thought I am always the unlucky one.  Fortune is never on my side.  Disasters always draw close to me.  Because of my misconception towards my God, I lived a life of sorrow, frustration and grief.   As my brothers and sisters persisted in coming to my house to pray, I realized God still loves me.  I could feel his love.  His rod of discipline has never left me.  Although I could not understand the reason behind all these things that took place in my life, I know these things come from the enemy and not from God.  God allowed these things to happen because of his good and perfect will.  I believe that, when I see him face to face, he will reveal all these things to me. 

The Revelation of Heaven

In just a few weeks, the Holy Spirit has totally reset my understanding about heaven.  I realized that death is not dreadful at all, because I know that nothing can compare with the wonderful place I am about to go.  Heaven is a place where God’s presence is.  His radiance is glorious, holy, full of love, and full of life.   As one leaves the world and the soul separates from the body, he would see that radiance.  That radiance is magnificent.  In the midst of it, we will be fully filled by the Holy Spirit.  On earth, we cannot be filled totally because of the restrictions of flesh and sinful nature.  Yet as we see God face to face, God’s radiance can shine on us without any hindrance. 

Even the city of pure gold and the streets made of precious stones cannot be compared with God: these things only reflect the light from God.  In God’s light, there is no darkness, fear or loneliness.  God has created us so we can fellowship with him and worship him with the assembly of saints.  Sin separated us from God.  Yet when one turns back to his Creator, he would realize the purpose and the value of his life. 

A New Road of Life

The revelation of heaven does not necessarily mean that God is about to bring me back to my heavenly home.  I believe in miracles.  If God intends to get me healed, I will get total healing.  There is still a long road before me.  There are many things to learn.  I know God’s promise and purpose for each one of us is different.  I also know that God’s promise and inheritance are like the Land of Canaan, which I have to struggle and work hard to acquire.  Once I obtain my promised possession, it becomes my own.  Nobody can take it anyway from me: not even the enemy.  This possession is a new life, a life full of Christ.  I can walk onto this new road of life.  I do not have to stay in the days with full of my old self and sorrow.  I believe, that one day, after I go through all these, I can say to my fellows: God is still in control.  Do not worry.  I’ve been through what you are going through.  I know my God is faithful, and he will guide me along this road, even if it is full of hardship.  I believe that God intends to have a wonderful testimony from me.  So no matter I am alive or not, I am in Christ; this is a win-win situation. 

Therefore I do not need to fear death.  I do not need to fear the things I used to fear, either.  God is my strength.  In my weakest estate, God has sustained me and guided me.  I believe my life is not in the hand of disease, enemy or the darkness.  My life is in God’s hand.   To God be all the glory! 

(From ROLCC Monthly, April 1999)



Favorite Worship Songs

  • Spirit Song (O Let the Son of God Enfold You)
  • As the Deer
  • He Touches Me
  • Your Presence Makes Me Whole
  • I Will Live for You
  • See His Glory



Agape Fellowship at CityTeam San Jose, November 1993 
We helped out with the holiday can-food drive on that Sat. 

Agape Fellowship at Mission Spring Thanksgiving Retreat, 1994 
Mimi, we can't see Mark's face! :) 

Mark, Yvonne and I 
Mark with a "V"... 

Until we see Mark again in eternity....

To God Be All The Honor And Glory And Praise!